Philippine Genealogy & Religious & Art History - The Luciano P.R. Santiago Reader

Cover: Hardcover


Philippine Genealogy & Religious & Art History
The Luciano P.R. Santiago Reader


With a foreword by Ino Manalo

Co-published with University of San Carlos Publishing House
Series: Academica Filipina +
Copyright © 2022 
528 pages; 15.24 x 22.86 cm


In his long and distinguished career as a medical psychiatrist, Dr. Luciano P. R. Santiago cultivated a keen understanding of the frailties and vagaries of human nature. This is a skill that he applied with equal precision to the study of Philippine culture and history—specifically the stories of liminal, transitional figures who occupied the often dimly illuminated interstices of Philippine colonial history during Spanish rule. He was most interested in transformational arcs, when individuals—by virtue of ancestry, will, or circumstance—emerged from historical obscurity to embody history-making change and self-actualization.

Dr. Santiago’s approach to historiography did not focus on grand sweeping narratives nor did he attempt to interpret the zeitgeist of a particular historical moment in the context of purposive scholarship. Instead, he was an inveterate chronicler, employing the miniaturist’s compulsive attention to detail to the quotidian world of a vanished culture and the long-forgotten personages that inhabited it.

In the works of Dr. Santiago, Philippine history becomes a series of “revealed” memories, especially of seminal Filipinos whom modern readers may otherwise have not known because they were not necessarily heroes or larger-than-life figures who reversed the course of history. Instead, their lives unfolded in the obscure annotations on a family genealogy, in a baptismal document, in a marriage certificate, in the codicil to a will, in the documentation of a legal dispute, and finally, in the remembrances delivered by families or friends upon their often ordinary deaths.

This definitive reader features twenty-two of Dr. Santiago’s key essays on genealogy, art history, religious history, and pioneering Filipinos. The reader is invited to reflect not just on the breadth of Dr. Santiago’s scholarship, but also his particular and carefully detailed investigations into what he called the terra incognita of Philippine colonial history.


Reading Santiago’s pieces is not just a pursuit of chronological events. It is also a form of remembering, of participating ever so briefly, in his world of real men and women who are living, loving, and clearing a path for themselves.

— Ino Manalo
Chair, National Commission for the Culture and Arts
from the Foreword



Foreword by Ino Manalo     vii
Introduction by Jobers Reynes Bersales     xi

Of Gentle Blood: From Lakan to Principalia

The Brown Knight: The Rise and Fall of Don Nicolás de Herrera (1614–1680)    5

The Filipinos Indios Encomenderos (ca. 1620–1711)     23

Don Pascual de Sta. Ana (1762–1827), Indio Hacendero     47

The Last Hacendera: Doña Teresa de la Paz, 1841–1890    73

 To Love and To Suffer: The Paradoxes of Action and Contemplation for Filipino Women in the Spanish Period

To Love and to Suffer: The Development of the Religious Congregations for Women in the Philippines During the Spanish Era (1565–1898)     95

Mother Sebastiana de Santa María (1652–1692): A Filipina Forerunner of the Beaterio de Sta. Catalina    131

The Flowering Pen: Filipino Women Writers and Publishers during theSpanish Period, 1590–1898, A Preliminary Study     139

The First Spanish Filipino Woman Author: Doña María Varela de Brodett (1814–1864) (With a history of devotion to St. Mary Magdalene, the subject of her book, in the Spanish Philippines, 1565–1898)      175

The First Filipino Woman Printer-Publisher in the Spanish Period: Doña Remigia Salazar Talusan viuda de López (ca. 1800–ca. 1860)    203

Doña Mercedes Lina Rivera (1879–1932): A Filipina Maestra in the Colonial Transition.       229

Filipino Firsts

The Hidden Light: The First Filipino Priests    239

Doctor Don Mariano Bernavé Pilapil (1759–1818): Passion and Transformation    291

The First Filipino Doctors of Medicine and Surgery (1878–1897)    315

Damián Domingo and the First Philippine Art Academy (1821–1834)     347

Miguel Zaragoza, The Ageless Master (1847–1923)     365

The Painters of Flora de Filipinas (1877–1883)    393

Chronicles and Memories

The Roots of Pila, Laguna: A Secular and Spiritual History of the Town (900 AD to the Present)    419

Casa Ordoveza of Majayjay, Laguna: The Evolution of a Provincial Ilustrado Family (1637–1990)    443

The Lineage of Mójica: The Super Principalía of Cavite (1677–1898)    457

Pomp, Pageantry, and Gold: The Eight Spanish Villas in the Philippines (1565–1887)       473

Acknowledgments    490

Bibliography    492

Index    508


Academica Filipina+ is an interdisciplinary series that pushes the boundaries of scholarly publishing with smart, literate, and thought-provoking works exploring the Philippine past, present, and future


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