Language in Literature K-12 Grade 10



This series is a set of print and digital instructional materials for the English language arts curriculum. The series integrates the five strands of the language and literacy domains, namely: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and viewing. The goal of the series is to develop lifelong learners and communicatively competent global communicators who are proud of their heritage. To achieve this, the instructional materials weave together four approaches— literature-based, inquiry-based, theme-based, and task-based. Unit and chapter openers emphasize the inquiry approach with essential questions that encourage learners to go beyond surface reading to discover big ideas. The literary texts serve as the springboard to the development of enduring understanding, values, and attitudes needed to make sense of the real world. Informative themes act as parallel texts to connect students to current affairs, issues, and concerns. The themes correlate with the thematic value of the literary events of the period. Performance Task, which is a culminating activity in every lesson, gives students opportunities to transfer and demonstrate their learning. Hence, each book is task-oriented as well.

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