In the Life of Tausug




" for knowledge from the cradle up to the, graveyard..." This teaching of the Prophet (S.A.W.) may very well describe how Dr. Hadii Mashur Bin-Ghalib Jundam has been leading his life. After earning his education degree as a magna cum laude from the Notre Dame of Jolo College in Sulu, he wasted no, time in furthering his knowledge. In 1983 A.C., he obtained his master's degree in Asian Studies and subsequently his doctorate from the University of the Philippines in Diliman.

In 1998 A.C., the author has served as SPCPD-ARMM's policy adviser on educational affairs. He conceptualized the creation of the Bangsamoro Excellent Students and Teachers Academy (BEST-A). Under this, the Islamic and present Philippine educational systems shall form part of the Bangsamoro educational administration and curricular offerings with a two- fold mission: to bridge the cultural gap between Muslims and non-Muslims and to enhance the Islamicity o Muslims themselves.

In 2005 A.C., he enroled as a Madrasah Mulid (student) in Madrasa Center for Moderate Muslim in Quiapo, Manila to supplement the ilm (knowledge) he has acquired through his academic endeavors as well as through his extensive travels abroad.

Dr. Jundam is currently Dean of the Institute of Islamic Studies, University of the Philip- pines, Diliman. A respected Tausug from Lupah Sug, Sulu, this book is his primary offering as an author.

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